At Mission Primed, we believe student-athletes are people first. In order to tap into your true potential on the field, you must first become more mindful and aware of the impact that your lifestyle and decisions have on you mentally, physically, and spiritually.
What a student-athlete does days, weeks, and months leading up to game day will largely determine the outcome of that individual and team. However, the lessons and values fostered with Mission Primed reach far beyond performance on the field and extend to life beyond Lacrosse.
Bobby Van Buren, Ohio State University
Wyatt Knust, Cornell University
Matteo Corsi, Syracuse University
Frank Van Buren, Father of Bobby Van Buren
Not what I expected at all, it is far different than any other lacrosse event that I've ever been to and a lot more fruitful of an experience... it was more of a retreat... you're at a disadvantage going into college if you don't come to this event.
Matteo Corsi, Syracuse University
My experience at Mission Primed was mind changing… It was more than just lacrosse, it was about thinking through everything you do and training your mind to be a good athlete.
It is clear, this is something a little bit different than all the other camps we’ve been to. Over the years, we’ve invested a lot in lacrosse camps - this one is unique; it addresses above and beyond the on the field portion.